Chapter I -  Re-imagining El Salvador

Travelling to El Salvador

I have told the story so many times it has already become a legend.

A Swedish artist meeting the ambassador of El Salvador by chance at at party.  An unbelievable journey that ended with an exhibition at the embassy and the idea that started from there....

Art + Technology + Opportunity = Change

So I decided to create a National Art Team for the country of El Salvador and invite the first artists to Japan to exhibit their work.

At this moment I am living chapter II and have not finished it yet.....This story is yet to be told


From the Curator 

In order to create one of the most special art exhibitions for the first collaboration with the embassy of El Salvador in Japan, Kristoffer Kullengren decides to travel to El Salvador and live deeply into the local culture, understanding the country’s history, building cross-cultural connections through a three-week artist residency program, which becomes both an intimate and personal experience that has made the journey not only special to the artist but leading to a series of artworks produced from the artist’s first person narrative, emotions, impressions and connections with the land of El Salvador. Through the artworks, he expresses his love for its culture, people, food, traditions, unforgettable journeys and self-discoveries. Journey of El Salvador is a trilogy that includes The Visitor, Corn Rabbit and Dragon of El Salvador, a series that takes impressions of surrounding colors and the artist’s very first impressions of his journey after arrival. The bright and high energy colors with his surreal imagination unveil a journey of inner excitement, expectation and cross-border connection. Through these artworks, the audience are on the ride for an exotic journey to experience impressions of El Salvador from the perspective of an artist’s personal emotions and imagination.